Sometimes our path can be dark and filled with challenges that are hard to overcome. These challenges can be the impetus for our growth. The challenges that Serena has faced are the reason she is on her current path. It has been through the hardships that she has learned her own strength, courage, humbleness and deep trust.

The trust of her own inner knowing and Divine Guidance that ultimately gave her the ability to move through drug addiction, depression, financial stress, divorce, chronic illness. Which all have led her to the spiritual path.

Soorya Raj is the spiritual name Serena was given. Soorya means Sun and Raj means Royal, this name was a gift and a talisman to continue to be the light that she is meant to be, by lighting the way for others on a spiritual path.

Serena is here to shed light on your path and elevate you to the next level of consciousness. Through building your own personal practice, Kundalini Yoga, mantra’s, visualizations and tapping into your own healing abilities.

This very individual process differs from person to person but the commitment to becoming the person you long to be is the same. Committing to your growth encompasses your entire being; spiritually, emotionally, mentally and physically.

We will meet individually to determine your goals and develop a plan to continue your growth and expansion, on all levels. This is the hard work that brings the deep fulfillment you are longing for.


“Those who truly teach, INSPIRE…and do so from a depth of wisdom, experience and integrity of conscious living and evolving daily themselves.  I have had the pleasure of knowing Serena for 20 years, and can say she was born to be a healer and educator.  She brings courage, authenticity, humility, beauty and an earthly and divine intelligence to her teaching and sessions.  Her mastery of many modalities in which she draws from intuitively allows for a whole body, mind and spirit experience!  Wherever you may be in your life and desire for fulfillment, this woman will guide you to navigate yourself home to your own sacred space, where everything is possible.”

– Jenny Patterson

“Working with Serena has deeply impacted my life on all levels: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. I have been able to move from a period of my life that was constrictive with limited connection to my higher self to a place of expansion, flow, connection, and personal power to overcome the obstacles of life. The inner and outer work done with Serena’s guidance has been priceless for me and I am deeply grateful for the opportunity I had with her.”  

– Erin Lavinsky

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